Thursday, September 5, 2013

i made of my son a citizen of the world - a poem

The night street is different

Than that by day,

The night boat cutting the wave,

Beneath the pulling moon

Sees differently than by day,

And dawn, when stayed awake,

Is but a hazy blur

Compared to magnificent

When one has slept…

The sun takes you by surprise,

More so than the moon,

When in the wee morning

You have fought slumber away

Deciding to brave the day sleepless,

But if you ride the cycle

Of natural night, then day,

The world will remain yet as it should,

You will wax with the sun and moon

And wane with them in time,

For the sun has his coming and going

From tropic of cancer to Capricorn….

Alas I tell you everything

Again I already taught you,

I have pushed you into the world

As it’s citizen,

For it is a fool that looks for a country,

When beyond this world lies your oyster…

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