Saturday, September 21, 2013

she meets the nihilist - a poem

She meets the nihilist,

What makes him most romantic

Is his non-confession,

He doesn’t read existentialists,

Doesn’t know the word, nihilism,

He simply floats through everything,

Taking the moment unconsciously

In pure experience,

He simply grasps

Only what’s in front of him,

She teeters on his edge, the Void

Deep in his breast,

Always takes one step back

One moment just in time,

Avoiding his vacuum, his oblivion,

His sheer happiness

With anything at hand,

Like ‘being there’,

He just rambles on,

And their almost-kiss

Does become something spiritual,

Two halves of the same coin,

One complementing the other,

Yet neither heads nor tails….

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