Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Room - A Poem

I walked into a room
The window frames melted,
Flooring came undone,
The ceiling, pocked already,
Cracked open
As gravity found it’s hole
And I, suspended
Arrived at another world.

There was no sky to observe,
No earthly frame of reference
To take hold,
No color refracting, no air,
Only the after glow burning
On the backs of my eyes
Of horses running in fields,
And turtles creeping ….

The august light, disembodied,
flowed through finally
to some core I had withheld,
just some kindling spark
that burst into flame
and devoured the brazen world
leaped deep into my bulb,
what was left…

A Homecoming by Sea - A Poem

I saw father returning
His first light on the ship
At the drawn line
Between heaven and earth

The lamp bobbed with the wave
Pushed by the wind
Carrying him home,

Homecoming at harbor
Not safe, this cold place
Jarred with peaks
Of hardened coral,
Ravaging the soft curls
Of glassed surf

They were in his brow,
Stories of landed curiosities,
Long gone islands
Deserted at haunted knolls,

What remained,
His smile,
Uttering fervent prayers
Thanks given,
Finally home.

His Sawdust Hands - A Poem

His sawdust hands
Clapped and rubbed
To relieve the aches
Of a hard day’s work
The sweat leaves tracks
Through the wrinkles
The knuckles bulbous
From over exertion

He manages a smile
That belies the pain
Developed over time
And adjusts his hat
Keeps the sun away
Looks good to boot

We stood on the beach
I held his hand,
Us two in Bermudas
Nothing to cover
Our eyes from that light

It floated over
Waves glistening in salt
Then enveloped us
In an otherworldly haze

Fruit in an Orchard Byway - A Poem

Fruit in an orchard byway
Discarded by the vintner or one passing,
Lies in the blued and bright grasses
Curling around it, concealing it’s worms,

A hint of breathing airs
Eddying the trails of moss and greens,
Suckles the fruit to decaying,
What kills the orange and apple now,
Sparks memories driven by similar ways…

To Sing - A Poem

I leave the flock
To sing,
Not to guide another,
Or ask any question,
But to sing
Simply because I’m alive.

A Sparrow lays Waiting - A Poem

In the elbow of the branch
A sparrow lays waiting,
His feathers could be green
Only if in a swarmed flock,
When, bells tolling in the square,
The last gibbous moon
Before full,
Sweeps over the only steeple,
Then falls madly, Icarus drowning,
In god knows what open sea