Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Poetry Break - The Church Stands in the Yard

The church stands in the weeds now,

A little cross and steeple yet remain

Thistles and thorns embellish the yard

Once lush with grass and dandelion

There is inch thick dust on the pew

And the pulpit is splintered plywood

A stained glass window is broken and left

Broke by some rock throwing passerby

A stream now runs beneath the floorboards

Carrying dirty water to the cornfield beyond

To nourish the pasture where lazy cows graze

And to muddy the clean rows of stalks and stems

How ridiculous it would be for a crow to light

On the steep-pitched roof, yet the spring birds

Fly over, meandering unconsciously over the scene

As the smell of dung wafts through the air

‘There is no license on loneliness,

Though your part be larger,

My piece of the pie is plenty to eat

And of course mine has more thumbs in it….’

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