Sunday, February 21, 2010

Review - The King Within: Accessing the King in the Male Psyche by Robert L. Moore

Having set the stage with their book King Warrior Magician Lover, our two authors delve deeper into what they call the central facet of a healthy male psyche, the King. Copious examples of King qualities ranging in leaders from the Far East to American shores are given in the middle of the book which are actually quite enlightening and though similar to one another, not redundant. Some time is spent, thankfully, explaining Jungian Archetypal theory, and the role said theory plays in the authors' development of their central argument, that a man desires to access the Archetypal King without completely identifying with the role. Again, thankfully, the authors make it clear one should 'access' the King energy without completely identifying with the Archetype...which could land one in a psychiatric ward in short order. In addition, chapters are devoted to the Shadow sides of the King, the high chair Tyrant and the effete Weakling. So our two writers do us justice by pointing out the complexities one faces when attempting to access this King energy. So, the goal ultimately becomes not to be King (which after all, in the day and age we are living in, would only last one day) but rather to be a 'Generative Man' who, accessing King energy, empowers and inspires those around him and uses the destructive energy of the King to aid those who most need help. It is said when one is ready, the Teacher(s) will arrive. I was ready. Are you?

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