Thursday, September 5, 2013

the crossroads - a poem

I’ve been to the crossroads

More than I care now to admit…

Even in cross currents

In the deep-winged ocean,

Lying at the horizon of riptides…

It is always a trixter figure waiting,

Yet beautiful…

They may be a devil, a siren,

But the answer is always the same:


But at ninety degrees lies the road

Usually ironically dark

Filled with thorns and brambles

That I must take to live….

It truly is straight and narrow,

This gate to life if one is to survive,

Though Nature be so liberal,

At these times

She commands we be conserving…

A night boat hugging the shore

To conserve fuel is what I’ve done

That life may continue for me

That the sun may still conquer

My tropic‘s humid and beautiful skies….

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