Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Poetry Break - 'These New Feet' - an original poem

These new feet, high arched and sprite
White as the bone beneath,
Having traversed streams and cobbled walks
Were made for old paths in high places

This cold heart, having eaten Fear
And pumped the blue blood of the Ancient
Into Red with the rising and falling of the lung
Now bursts into flame, a fire bringing Courage

This stale brain, grey and useless as polluted snow
Having been engendered by the twin serpents
Rising from the Ancient depths,
Now Mind, unlimited, united with All

I will do a new thing, I will do a new Thing
And the Ancient whispers in the Youth’s globed ear
I am shedding my skin, removing the Shroud,
And I’m putting old wine in new wineskins…

Yet the vessels hold, and they do not break
Cracks of Wisdom adorning the outer skins
Like a desert tracked with watery stream,
A coarse face with fine lines of laughter

Echo upon echo, wave upon Wave,
Ripples of Eternity in the span of one Moment
Strike me thus with the ancient Knowledge
That protects new feet from the old cobbled stone

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